Looking for a unique Volunteer opportunity??? Consider Meet the Masters! Our fabulous art program is back and the kids love it.
- Volunteer to Help out in your child’s art program.
- Only 40min classes, 3 in total.
- Help students learn valuable art lessons, be creative and have FUN!
- All Projects, supplies and instructions are provided – we just need your extra helping hands.
- You do not need any experience or art background.
The first MTM starts Wednesday next week, February 15th, and will run through March 2nd. The days of the week can be viewed online on the sign-up sheet.
Ready to volunteer? Choose your desired days and times online https://www. harbordalehsa.com/sign-ups/
For more information or questions please contact MTM Coordinator Ulrica Hammond at volunteer@harbordalehsa.com or text 818.793.4207