Harbordale School Association
Annual Walk-A-Thon
February 10, 2023
Registration is now open for our annual walk-a-thon! This is a fun way to raise money for our students & school while promoting a healthy lifestyle.
We have teamed up with Get Moving’ again this year; they will allow us to make our event really fun and profitable with online mobile-friendly technology! EVERY DOLLAR will make a difference and help fund future school events, programs, supplies, and students’ needs. Up to 95% of the money donated will go directly back to our school & benefit our students.
We need ALL Parents to Complete 3 Quick, Easy & Free Steps!
Visit: www.getmovinfundhub.com
School Identifier: 5dfce0bd8db82 - SHARE YOUR CHILD’S FUNDRAISING PAGE
Parents that send 10-15 text messages or emails will help reach their goal within 48 hours. - POST ON FACEBOOK OR TWITTER
The average parent has 300 social media friends.
You’d be surprised when donations come in from distant relatives, friends & even co-workers.
With only a few clicks, parents can post and watch what happens.
Student Goals
We need 100% student registration to be successful. Remember students will win various fun prizes and have multiple changes in weekly raffles to win based on your individual participation. So let’s get movin’!
Each individual student is encouraged to raise $40.00.
You can be an Overachiever and become a School Superstar by raising $200.00 or more.
Our SCHOOL GOAL: $30,000
Donations can be made online through your child’s fundraising page. Also, donations will be accepted in school in the form of cash or check. Make sure to put your child’s name and class on the check! Please make checks payable to Harbordale School Association.